BASc Civil Engineering
Specialization in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering
University of Ottawa
September 2013 - April 2019
I received a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Ottawa in 2019 after approximately six years of study. During this time I completed two summer internships and a co-op placement. I originally intended to complete this program as a double major in business and structural engineering and took several courses towards that. However, as my career goals shifted towards a focus in architecture/structural engineering, I switched from the double major into a specialization in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering.
Of the courses I took while completing this degree, those I did best in were math and design focused courses. My favorites ended up being structural dynamics and linear algebra. Through various courses, I learned to design structures and select members in Concrete, Steel, and Timber. I also learned to design several types of concrete foundations for use in a wide range of soils and loading conditions. I had some exposure to field investigations and project planning, and learned to code in C and MATLAB.
From the courses which did not count towars my degree, I learned theory surrounding business management and new venture creation. I also learned about highway and earthwork design.
Computer Programming Diploma
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
September 2020 - April 2022
I obtained a diploma in Computer Programming from Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology in 2020, after four semesters of study. I enrolled in this program with the intention of learning to code so that I could build an AI/Algorithmic solution for trading crypto which was something I was passionate about in 2020.
I learned to code in many languages and gained first hand exposure to several frameworks and libraries. The most notable of these are C++, JavaScript, NodeJS, OpenMP, SQL, and MongoDB. I also learned to integrate these languages with one another. I also studied theory about complexity and software architecture, though this was not the main focus of my studies.
BSc Statistics
University of Ottawa
May 2023 - Cancelled
In anticipation of a change in my career's trajectory (to one where statisitics/mathematics would be more central), I enrolled in this program to develop my math/stats abilities, learn to use mathematical programming software like R and LaTex, and develop analytical skills. I became enthralled by the courses offered in this program and flirted with the idea of a career change to pure mathematics.
Had all the courses (and equivalent offerings) I completed during my undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering counted towards this degree I would have had an advanced standing of rougly 75% of the credits needed for graduation; a specialization in mathematics nonwithstanding. Regrettbaly, there was a ten course limit on transfer credits.
I took ended up only taking two courses towards this degree, Statistics and Regression Analysis, before unforseen circumstances prohibited me from continuing studies in this program. I might return to it later.